Sunday, October 11, 2009

what am I reading about?

So I'm a lifelong student of personalities. The classroom is any mall or WalMart, watching the parade of shoppers. Or novels - the good writers put me inside a personality. I read a lot of crime novels, murder mysteries or police procedurals or criminal activities, and some spy stories. Elmore Leonard and Lawrence Block (and Stephen King, but that's another story) are the masters. I've got to give props to Mr. Leonard, I'm reading his story about "Stick", a personality with the criminal mind, and it exposes human nature with perfect dialogue. In the movies from Mr. Leonard's work, the actors just read the book and the director just goes with the plot. Motivation: get the most for yourself with the least effort without getting hurt. It's the fantasy good life.

1 comment:

Joel D. Reid said...

Just checking in to make sure you've seen People of Walmart. (Caution--not safe for work, er, oh wait).